Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Chicago School And Other Fraudulent "Free Market' Voices.

Empiricism is always on the verge of becoming whatever the interpreter of the data wants to make it, which explains why the rhetoric of empiricists range from 'free market' to social planning to the nth degree.

In other words, whatever the empiricists claim (their perspective) is exactly what their data 'means.' Milton Friedman was 'free market' because he interpreted his data from that perspective.

As perspectives change, most notably in search for money to sustain themselves as professional economists, so miraculously does the interpretation of the data change.

Empiricists seek data not truth. The laws of human action are not points of data which means that the empiricists cannot fathom a priori economic laws.

These laws do not change with the wind, or because of political correctness, or because of the financial control of the academia by the unConstitutional coup.

The 'free market' is not merely the rhetoric of the likes of the Chicago School type empirical economists. In fact empirical economics is incompatible with free market economics since the market is only free when its subjectivism is wholly respected.

There is only one true free market philosophy and that is classical liberalism. All of the perversions of the free market that are being passed off as 'free market' are fraudulent.

We need to separate ourselves from the duplicitous empiricists and expose their methodology as erroneous. And we need to counteract the propaganda of the unConstitutional coup.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Growth Of Government Is A Cancer!

Tumors grow even if the rest of the body is in decline. In fact the growth of tumors is the cause of the decline!

I do not know anyone who celebrates the appearance and the spread of cancer, do you?

As we assess treatment we can decide to remove one tumor at a time which would be like exposing Krugman or Bernanke or the plethora of ego-driven interventionists as charlatans.

Or we can go to the source of the cancer and remove it and follow up with some treatment that purges all remnants. The source of the cancer in America (and subsequently in the world since the dollar is being used currently as the world reserve currency) is the unConstitutional coup. We need to surgically remove this tumor by exposing the membership of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup and subjecting them to the wrath of the people of the world who have been torn by wars and victimized by their puppet tyrants for generations now.

The re-education of humanity about the principles of classical liberalism will further cleanse the system of the disease of socialism, fascism, and empirical economics.

Once cured the organic whole will stabilize as classical liberalism societies begin to pop up and flourish, leading to a classical liberalism civilization and a prosperity that is our birthright.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Why Is The U.S. Deliberately Destroying The Dollar?

With the general public still unable to recognize that the source of the problem is the government (it is really just serving as a front for the unConstitutional coup), the rapid and total destruction of the dollar will 'justify' the 'need' for a worldwide fiat currency so that one 'central bank' can 'stabilize' the world economy!

Can you see any other event that would create such an hysterical mandate from the terrorized masses who think that government has the role of stabilizing the monetary system?

And why are the masses feeling terrorized? Because the power elite who are invested in the monetary hegemony of all of the nations in the world are economic terrorists.

The nations in their crosshairs are the ones who are trying to gain independence from their monetary imperialism.

It is critical that the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup in the United States be identified and stopped before they destroy the dollar, before they try to impose a worldwide fiat currency, and before they torch all of the nations that they consider rogue nations.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

END THE FED Is A Means Not An End.

END THE FED was gaining momentum but do you think that went unnoticed by the unConstitutional coup? This whole scheme of the bailout was purposely intended to make it appear that if the government (through its monetary vehicle) did not step in the economy would be destroyed. A fringe benefit for the unConstitutional coup of this scheme was the fact that the massive injection of money ('supported by taxpayers since their elected officials voted for it!') could be distributed to those who are a part of the support system of the unConstitutional coup.

There was a secondary movement that emerged as part of the total disgust of the less complacent taxpayers who found a voice and combined it with disgruntled bankers and prudent business people and a few in Congress who saw the obvious destruction of the Constitution and ethical commerce. These perceptive ones attributed the blatant theft to the Federal Reserve system.

Then to the rescue came the smokescreen of a newly elected President and the promises of manna from heaven. But look at the perpetuation of the means of sustenance for the unConstitutional coup being designed by the 'new' administration.

The media arm of the unConstitutional coup is definitely being used to expand as much as possible the smokescreen.

Since the END THE FED movement gives the appearance of an end that looks like anarchy it loses its potency. We need to make sure that the end looks promising (even if it has built into it the positive characteristics of anarchy). The end that replaces the oppression of ego-driven interventionism is a classical liberalism society in a worldwide classical liberalism civilization!

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Classical Liberalism Civilization Is No Myth!

"No government is liberal by nature, said Ludwig von Mises."

That is why it is so difficult for us to imagine classical liberal societies in a classical liberalism civilization! It has never been seen before except in theory. Even then, the theory is continually developing.

First of all, classical liberalism is real and it is based on subjectivism so it is perfectly compatible with human action.

Second, theoretical discoveries often (and inevitably) enter into the realm of everyday usage when resources, technology, and/or receptivity make it imminent.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

'Deregulation' Is Way Too Feeble!

'Deregulation' is like seeing through colored glass partially, it is like being content with partial understanding or vision.

What is so alarming to say 'free market' unless it is way too earthshaking to the ones in control who will no longer be the ones ordaining the degree of regulation?

In a classical liberalism society the ignorance of prejudices of any and all kinds will significantly affect the degree of prosperity of those who are bigots.

It is that simple and there is no need for a discussion of 'regulation/deregulation' which means that the ego-driven interpreters and the ego-driven interventionists will be purged from the ever-advancing civilization.

Attrition will eventually end the injustices of prejudices. Meanwhile knowledge of the subjective nature of economics and the desire for liberty and justice will scornfully chase away the oppressive ego-driven.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Economic Navigating Of The Fork In The Road.

Texas straight talk refers to the fork in the road and the overwhelming pressures to take the wrong direction.

The unConstitutional coup is powerful, the politicians are ambitious, the media is controlled, the education system is indoctrinating generation after generation, and the general population has been deprived of the knowledge of the existence of classical liberalism. The direction to go at the fork is therefore decided by those in charge of the unConstitutional coup.

There are a couple of glitches in the automatic veering at the fork down the Road To Serfdom!

Maybe an African American President will have the moral courage spoken about often by Martin Luther King, Jr., the moral courage to see through the smokescreen of the war machine to the death and destruction and injustices.

Maybe the unparalleled economic dissolution will cause people to reject the lies of the government statistics and the ego-driven interventionists.

Maybe enough people have found access to news sources on the internet that expose main stream media as a propaganda machine.

Maybe the emerging revolution spoken about by Ron Paul will have enough of an influence to expose the unConstitutional coup to a swelling number of patriots, including those serving directly under oath to uphold and defend the Constitution! And then they come to our aid by abiding by their oath.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Why Is Austrian Economics Considered Obsolete?

First of all, by who? By the interventionists and all those indoctrinated by government financed education.

Austrian economics is considered obsolete because it does not allow the 'modern economic manipulations' of the progressives and the empiricists!

Somewhere lost, in the early days of frenzy (for example, during the time of promises of cushy jobs for economists who accommodated government manipulation of the economy) when the ego-driven interventionists strove to gain positions of power, is the question regarding methodology.

Actually it is the 'physics envy' of the empiricists that is obsolete since the appropriate methodology of the social sciences is subjectivism. Subjectivism is beautiful and dynamic and in harmony with the human reality which to the empiricist and the progressive is incomprehensible.

To conclude, in all truthfulness, the propaganda and indoctrination of the empiricists and progressives (who did gain power and institutionalized it during their heyday frenzy) should state that Austrian economics is incomprehensible (since it is to them) rather than obsolete (like their physics envy).

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Divine Economy Theorist Disagrees With The Economists Who Favor Bailouts.

Sure if you talk to only those in a small circle of friends you will get a similar response or if you talk to someone who is a member of the same ideological club you will get a similar response. There is nothing unusual or newsworthy in this, you would think. But if the media is controlled by an unConstitutional coup that wants to keep all dissenting thoughts hidden then you will see the kind of reporting that is done by the Associated Press.

I am an economist. I am the founder of a new economic theory firmly grounded in classical liberalism that is far more cohesive and dynamic and insightful than any referenced or consulted upon by these ‘so-called’ economists!

And guess what? There is nothing acceptable or necessary about these bailouts. The problem in the first place is economic interventionism. It is idiotic to think that more economic interventionism will make things better.

Shame on Associated Press for abandoning the principles behind ‘free press’ to become a perpetrator of propaganda, making itself a co-conspirator with the unConstitutional coup.
Next time at least accurately title your “news.” This should have been your title: “Ego-Driven Interventionists See Financial Bailout As Necessary” instead of “Economists see financial bailout as necessary.”

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

REAL ID Is Destructive Of Ethics And Economics.

In a classical liberalism civilization there is no need for a REAL ID. And then you say, 'Well, we do not live in a classical liberalism society.'

Let's come to a common understanding about ends and means, that is, means and ends. Ends are associated with ethics and means are associated with economics. A classical liberalism society (by definition, a prosperous society that is contractual, based on property rights being human rights, and one that is known for liberty and justice) is a very desirable ends, worthy of striving for.

What is the best means for attaining this very desirable ends? Adoption of the principles of classical liberalism is the best means for attaining a classical liberalism society.

Practicing the principles of classical liberalism is how a classical liberalism society comes about. If these principles are ignored then the end will be various stages and types of oppression and totalitarianism.

Therefore I repeat my opening statement: There is no need for a REAL ID.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rubber Legged U.S. Imperialism.

Another good thing that is happening in the world with the U.S. empire becoming rubber legged: the ability to prevent gold prices from adjusting to its true market price is weakening.

This is another example of what I refer to as birthpangs. What appears to be very painful is actually very promising. The pains associated with the obsolete (criminal is more accurate than obsolete) being discarded give the appearance of disaster. That is only half of the story.

When the birth occurs and gold is released as a commodity money into this new and wondrous world of the love of liberty and justice, then the classical liberalism civilization infant will nurse from the great basis of knowledge that has come down through the ages (refer to the great sample of this knowledge base on the Mises.org website) and will start to walk and then to run, and then mature and have offspring! The offspring are the classical liberalism societies that are all a part of the classical liberalism civilization.

The ego-driven interventionists and the ego-driven interpreters have no role in this classical liberalism civilization. They are regarded as either delusional or criminal. Of course they are powerless and therefore basically harmless.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Foundation For The Ron Paul Announcement At The National Press Club.

Expose the unConstitutional coup and inspire every voter to get rid of the counterfeiters!

Raise the banner of liberty and make sure that everyone understands that the Constitution is the rule of law.

Prepare all of us Americans for the imminent economic hurricane created by the socialistic and the fascist political class by guiding us to the safety of classical liberalism.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Beginnings of the Righteous Classical Liberalism Society.

Being a blind sycophant has its repercussions!

The servile nations who accepted the fiat dollar as the world currency have emboldened the power elite who are directing the unConstitutional coup in the United States that intends to spread its totalitarian designs worldwide. Or at least that is their hope and lust.

However, they have underestimated the power of the equilibrium forces at work in the world that will flick their disease-infested interventionism away like a tiny gnat or pest. It is far, far greater than their puny minds can conceive!

And they have underestimated the sweetness of the taste of liberty and the remarkable power of a true statesman. Ron Paul, a humble and virtuous and scholarly man has earned the credentials of a statesman and he can, potentially, wipe away the crud of the lying and scheming ego-driven interventionists with a single swipe if he is given a moment of free press.

Fully aware and trembling the usurpers of the Constitution are scrambling around trying to bribe and threaten all media outlets into compliance with their censorship. When the little leaks which are springing up here and there in the dike-of-Ron-Paul-news-suppression soften their corrupt dike’s foundation, then change will come rapidly. The flood of truth will uncover the possibilities of the righteous classical liberalism civilization.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Movie Review That Fell Through The Cracks.

When you read this review you may come to a conclusion that there is a very powerful group that censors comments that expose their designs.

Submitted to the following blog:

Apolitical Political Commentary!
Non-partisan analysis helps to penetrate the propaganda of politicians.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Movie Review: I.O.U.S.A.
Does I.O.U.S.A. state the fact that the Federal Reserve is unConstitutional? Why not? What is the motivation behind such an omission?

Does I.O.U.S.A. mention that the United States is imperialistic? Why not?

Does I.O.U.S.A. say anything about the fallacies of empirical economics or the virtues of classical liberalism? Why not?

After realizing that I.O.U.S.A. has an hidden agenda that diverts the attention of the slowly awakening American people away from the truth, it is clear that its half-truths are meant to serve as a smoke screen. Its intention, the motivation behind it, is to keep people from hearing what the lone statesman and classical liberalism scholar - Ron Paul - is saying.

Beware of the half-truths! Be ready to direct people towards classical liberalism and Austrian economics, not to waste their energy fighting against some amorphous phantom created by the usurpers of the Constitutional Republic. These usurpers are devious and they use their forked tongues to make themselves to appear sincere but they are nothing but ego-driven interventionists operating outside the rule of law; they are an arm of the unConstitutional coup.

Let’s hope the tables turn on them and that people find out what is really happening and arise to rescue our Constitutional Republic from the foul-smelling unConstitutional coup that is controlling the media and the two-headed puppet of the single party system in the United States.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .
Posted by Divine Economy Consulting at 7:37 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Classical Liberalism Debate Requires A New Perspective.

A classical liberalism society is one where information flows most rapidly, more than any other system since other systems permit finite human minds to intervene in a world that is far more complex than can be comprehended.

Sure there will be some who make choices that are poor (for example, numbing one’s senses by taking opiates) but since information will more quickly reach everyone in a classical liberalism society even the worst case snapshot in time will be far improved over an imposed-morality-through-interventionism snapshot in time.

The current debate is limited because the 'ideal' of a classical liberalism society is itself beyond the comprehension of minds that have been programmed to think objectively!

When minds are permitted to think subjectively then the debate will be fully endowed and easily won. A classical liberalism society is far superior to any of the interventionist types.

How will we get to a classical liberalism society? There are many pathways. Here is one:
If there is a strong enough undertow of classical liberalism (thanks to the Mises Institute and Ron Paul) even the collapse of the U.S. economy would be 'good news.'

As described by Hans Hoppe, competition between States or regions is far superior to a monopolistic State. As a variant of secession, different States or regions will quickly recognize that practicing classical liberalism is magnetic, attracting capital. The true entrepreneurial spirit will migrate there and the processes of prosperity will attract the allegiance of those who live there, which all the other States will want to emulate.

So instead of this current bureaucratic, fascist version of socialism constructed by the unConstitutional coup - which is claiming for itself the name 'United States of America' - the ‘good news’ would be the prosperity of classical liberalism States, freed from the errors and corruption of the ego-driven interventionists.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Government In A Classical Liberalism Society.

The State will never be abolished because it does provide a valuable service!

Thus, rather than being abolished it will be defined and refined just as property rights/human rights are defined and refined. The two go hand in hand.

The role of government is to protect persons and property from fraud and violence. As property rights/human rights are defined and refined then the potential exists for the State to exist in a proper form.

One of the ways to move towards a classical liberalism society is to strengthen property rights. As we all know they are being weakened now. But every person can appreciate their own property rights so there is a common interest in fighting back against the mistaken role of the State. This is all a part of the education that leads to an understanding of the connection between liberty and prosperity.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Classical Liberalism Is Now In A Win-Win Situation!

We are in a win-win situation.

1. As interventionism increases the underground economy becomes more and more significant.
This also is when the opportunities increase to educate people about the philosophy of classical liberalism. Eventually the desire for liberty and prosperity will trump egalitarianism (politically correct word for communism). Our victorious educational efforts will bear these fruits.

2. Or if it just so happens - that the destiny of America is hinged at this moment in history - such that no earthly power (lying politicians, scheming power elite, bootlicking media) can prevent truth from prevailing, then rejoice. Even if that means events and occurrences that cause total disarray, then so be it. Poised and ready, uniquely humble and sincere, Ron Paul will re-establish the Constitutional Republic and prove through words and deeds that liberty and justice are possible only when there are private property rights and a pure free market economy.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Classical Liberalism Revolution!

For some reason this blog entry What Does A Good Revolution Look Like? did not make it to the internet. If someone is censoring the internet - KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY STUFF!

What Does A Good Revolution Look Like?

This is a revolution but a good one.

If you read the thoughts of the ones who jumped on the bandwagon of the Keynesian 'revolution' in the 1930's and 1940's you will come across comments such as this: 'O to be young and acquainted with Keynesian economics!' These people thought it was revolutionary to discard all of the sensible economic science that had cumulatively been discovered over the centuries in favor of a 'theory' that wedded economics and politics without any economically logical constraints. Their newfound fantasy world created by the charlatan John Maynard Keynes made them feel young and alive, especially since they now could etch themselves into positions of power and intervene in the economy to feather their beds and the beds of the ego-driven politicians.

This revolution is quite different. It is the opposite.

This revolution is for the purging of the fallacious economic theories promulgated by the Keynesians and the Monetarists. It is a revolution for re-enkindling the principles of classical liberalism that inspired the founders of the U.S. Constitution. It is for returning to the rule of law which in the U.S. is supposed to be the Constitution. This revolution is a continuation of the the revolution against the tyranny of an oppressive State. Back then in 1776 it was against an oppressive King whereas now it is against the ego-driven interventionists who have usurped the power of our nation, who violate the Constitution and commit treason all along the way.

With regards this revolution, we are truly very fortunate to be alive and aware, and the legacy that we will leave will be praiseworthy and wise and responsible. In contrast, Keynesianism and Marxism and empiricism have left a cankerous legacy. It is about time we sought the services of the good doctor to remove the cancer of interventionism.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Partisan Politics Hinders Prosperity And Justice.

It is not about political affiliation, which is ultimately divisive. Ron Paul is re-introducing people to the principles of classical liberalism which is what inspired the founders of our country.

The 'revolution' is about ideas and knowledge not politics.

Ron Paul has an opportunity to speak about these principles as a Republican because there are historical remnants of these principles in this political tradition. But guess what, Ron Paul could also do the same thing in any other political party because they all tie back to the Constitution somewhere along the line.

The fact remains that he has always run for Congress as a Republican and his family tradition was Republican so that is his avenue. Be certain that Ron Paul does not care about a person's party affiliation. Liberty transcends this pettiness.

Once we all understand that this 'revolution' is about the philosophy of classical liberalism and not politics then whatever opportunities come our way to keep these principles in the limelight we will delight in.

Do you think that the economic calamity, and the thievery by the power elite, and the imperialism of an un-Constitutional government will go away once the election is commandeered by the ego-driven interventionists? Unless Ron Paul is elected the conditions will only become more intense and explosive.

This is merely one of the opportunities that will present itself to us for us to continue to educate others about the principles of classical liberalism so that eventually the trend towards totalitarianism can be reversed in the direction of liberty and prosperity and , of course, towards true justice that is founded upon the realization that property rights are human rights and human rights are property rights.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Criteria To Use To Evaluate Those Seeking Election.

We are a Constitutional Republic! The founders of our nation despised the ideology of democracy and with good reason. I include these two reasons as points of emphasis to demonstrate its ultimate perversity: democracy killed Socrates, and democracy killed Jesus!

This is important to understand, to counteract all of the political rhetoric about democracy. But the good thing about understanding the importance of the difference between democracy and a Constitutional republic is that it makes the ego-driven and ill-informed politicians stick out like a sore thumb.

If they say “We will hear what you say and do our best to give it to you” rather than saying ‘we are obligated by our oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution’ then you know they are more interested in using the ideology of democracy to enrich themselves and their friends than protecting America from becoming a cesspool of politically-connected who then feed like parasites off the rest of us.

Whether the elections are local or State or National, use this criterion - honoring their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution - to identify the self-seeking and also use it to identify those who are worthy of our trust.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

Saturday, May 3, 2008

"The Revolution: A Manifesto" Reverses The Direction.

And thank God, there is no turning back!

Hungry and young (at heart) minds are being nourished and nurtured by the ideas of liberty and prosperity that are outlined and detailed in this book by Ron Paul. He is a scholar of classical liberalism which also implies that he is a scholar of free market economics.

A point of clarification needs to be added. The combination of classical liberalism and free market economics means that the methodology underlying the scholarship of Ron Paul is subjectivism. This is an important point because there are many economists who claim to favor free market economics but who ironically then try to force empiricism down our throats. Such incompatibility proves that their use of the term ’free market economics’ is fallacious.

As mentioned in The Revolution: A Manifesto Ron Paul adheres to the Austrian school of economic thought. This is the legitimate continuation of classical liberalism.

Here is the exciting part of this blog entry. For several generations the colleges and universities have been breeding grounds for socialism because academia followed the chimera of Keynesianism. Previous generations were held captive because the internet was not yet a viable alternative source of information. Students had to accept the garbage they were fed.

Not so anymore!

Now the colleges and universities are filled with students who are a fingertip away from information. Lies and fallacies are on shaky ground. These colleges and universities are now the breeding ground for the restored revolution of the founders of the Constitutional Republic - America.

Knowledge cannot be taken away from people and so there is now no turning back!

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

Monday, April 28, 2008

Re: Is There Censorship About the Counterfeiting of Dollars?

On April 27th I wrote a blog entry and published it but it has yet to make it to the internet. Is my commentary too revealing? I issue this complaint as a call for the protection of classical liberalism.

On Sunday, April 27th I wrote this piece:

World Wakes Up to the Counterfeiting of Dollars!

Economic turmoil is all around and it is not going away anytime soon!

What is driving this frenetic behavior is the desperate search for value. What has been the reserve currency for the world since 1944 is now naked for all to see. It is not a pretty sight! The mirage is gone and what is left is a hollow shell described as an exoskeleton of corruption and militarism.

The dollar has no real asset backing, it is purely fiat. What supposedly props up its value is confidence in the United States as a viable sovereign State. Gone are the Constitutional restraints which were designed to keep the nation fiscally responsible. Gone are the Constitutional restraints which were designed to keep the nation principled. Nothing is left except the fear of the threat of economic or military warfare. That is what holds up the value of the dollar around the world despite massive counterfeiting.

But since these military exploits and flexing of war muscles are dependent on borrowing from other nations and from counterfeit printing of money out of thin air the desperate victims of U.S. monetary hegemony are now beginning to question whether the U.S. is really that strong. And as the confidence in the U.S. goes so goes its fiat currency!

There is a solution. The solution is to abide by the Constitution which was inspired by the philosophy of classical liberalism.

Which means that the solution is to get rid of all of the politicians who violate their oath of office every time they do anything that is not authorized in the Constitution. Violating their oath is sufficient grounds for their removal by impeachment, through elections, or by trials for treason if necessary.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What To Do About High Gas and Food Prices!

First of all, complain!

Second, go to Amazon.com and order a copy of The Revolution: A Manifesto. Then when it comes sit down and read it. Be prepared to find yourself understanding economics far more than you ever imagined!
  • How is that possible? Apparently making it appear that economics was not for the ‘common man’ has been part of the government propaganda for several generations now.
And finally, with your new knowledge and understanding approach the media and your elected representatives and express your concern. Make it clear to them that you know what is going on and that you know how to solve the problems.

Erase the ignorance created by the power elite and those who are currently in charge of our government by un-Constitutional means. It is your voice and your determination and your perservence and your knowledge and understanding that will wipe clean the slate so that a renewed dictum can be written: Constitutional Republic.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com .

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Re: Is There Censorship About Economic Depression?

On April 8th I wrote a blog entry and published it but it has yet to make it to the internet. Is my commentary too revealing? I issue this complaint as a call for the protection of classical liberalism.

On Tuesday, April 8th I wrote this piece:
Is Examination of ‘Economic Depression’ Fruitful?

(It was linked to an economic analogy written on April 6th:)

I recently wrote a blog that described an economic depression as something similar to a whirlpool. After I finished the article I realized that I could apply a similar analogy to an economic recession. In contrast to a whirlpool, the economy during a recession could be seen as a ship experiencing rough seas. If the economy reaches the climax of a recession, known as stagflation, then the seas are very rough and the ship (the economy) is in danger of capsizing.

Here is what is significant about these analogies: If the economy does not capsize during the recession there is hope that eventually the rough sea will subside. If intervention continues it will cause another storm to form on the horizon. However if the economy is on the verge of a depression one false move will generate the whirlpool which will sink the economy into unknown depths with very little hope to resist.

If intervention continues once the whirlpool is activated the currents will just intensify. The only hope is for the intervention to stop.

What is the solution? The correct policy is non-intervention. Then the equilibrium forces that allow resources to become freed up will disrupt the vortex throughout its structure, dissipating the energy, lessening the swirl velocity, causing it to break into smaller eddies, and making the economy safe for entrepreneurs to re-enter, to diagnose, and to set their sails and forge a new direction.

What bit of economic wisdom have we gleaned?

A). Intervention causes the economic storms and it can also create a pernicious whirlpool. To avoid economic storms intervention should stop.
B). With regards an economic depression, the only way to stop its destructive forces is to stop intervention.
C. The political cesspool (politicians and their bootlicking economic advisors) has to be drained and rid of its stagnant and disease-infested economic fallacies.

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com .

Sunday, March 9, 2008

States Yet to Vote - Now Is The Time To Invite Ron Paul To Your State.

Ron Paul has said that if there is an interest in the cause of liberty and justice and the desire to have his Presidential campaign brought into the light all you have to do is say so. Well, all you have to do is find your fellow Americans who are awake to what is happening to this country and together invite Ron Paul to come.

Grassroots means you and me and it means those other people who are alert to the unConstitutional practices of those in control. In the spirit of America become a modern day Paul Revere!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Beware of the Ego-type of the Politicians!

What is the difference between someone using enterprise to bring about change and a politician? It has to do with the environment within which the ego operates.

The politician starts with the ego directed outward with intentions to intervene in the lives of others. Since this lack of self-examination encourages a poisonous expansion of the ego-psyche the problem becomes more and more outwardly focused with more and more desire to intervene. This poisoned ego-psyche is addictive and corrupting and when society is designed politically to accomodate these types of persons they lust for power and become tyrannical rulers of some type. In America they end up being the populist socialist/fascist speaker of rhetoric and spoiler of the nation's wealth.

The person choosing to change things using enterprise starts with the ego directed inward, constantly examining himself (herself) and his surroundings. This self-examination is one of the beneficial traits that makes successful those who are enterprising individuals. The healthy ego-psyche of alertness for ways to make things better is most productive in a society where there is no arbitrary control by the ego-driven interventionists.

The prosperity that we all hold up as an ideal is in jeopardy when the politicians are shown respect. They do not have any moral authority since they are consumed by an immoral ego-psyche. It is not an issue of being polite. It is an issue of the preservation of liberty and justice.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Ron Paul!

From the depth of my heart I want to thank Ron Paul for rekindling the flame of freedom and for fanning the flame of liberty in the minds and hearts of Americans who are waking and already awoken. God bless you for your humble service and pure motivation.

And we classical liberals want to thank you for your scholarly contribution to the philosophy of classical liberalism. Your work is noteworthy and distinguished and will go down in history as comparable to Aquinas and Turgot and Bastiat. Because of your dedication and decisive action to re-infuse classical liberalism into this Republic a new generation of people have found what inspired the founders of America to write the Constitution.

And finally, the third thank you goes out to you - Ron Paul - for going all the way to the Convention. Thank you for putting your whole trust in God. I would not be surprised to see things change drastically so that you regain viability as the Republican nominee if this is the time that America is to fulfill its destiny!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Patience of Job - Ron Paul!

There is a murmur among the mediocre among us that surfaces as a weak question, which goes, “When will Ron Paul end his campaign?’ At the same time there is a deafening groan on the part of the power elites and their hand-picked candidates to loudly inquire ‘When will Ron Paul end his campaign?’

Has everyone had the chance to hear what liberty sounds like or to feel the exhilaration of the hope for freedom? Has everyone had the opportunity to see how ridiculously corrupt and petty are the competitors for their overlord’s puppet chair they call ‘President?’

Has everyone felt the ‘empowerment’ that comes from freedom; no I am not talking about the fallacious ‘empowerment’ supposedly to be given to us when the 'stimulus' counterfeit money will show up in our mailboxes. Has everyone heard about the economics of Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian school of economic thought?

Has everyone in America found out yet that our government ignores the Constitution?

Be patient everyone, especially you weak-minded and politically partisan ones, there is much to be done yet.

Has everyone learned about the crimes of inflation perpetrated by the Federal Reserve Governors and their bedfellows, the ego-driven interventionists? How aware is everybody about the destruction of the monetary system and the use of the monetary system to start and perpetuate wars, ghastly wars?

Be patient lying media and power elite because someday you will be ostracized , at least, and rightfully penalized and prosecuted if justice prevails in this world. Otherwise you will have to wait patiently until your earthy life ends before you face your judgment!

When will Ron Paul end his campaign? What campaign are you referring to? Surely you do not think that Ron Paul is campaigning for the hollow seat of President of the United States. That pompous seat (unless Ron Paul is elected and he changes it to its Constitutional role) means nothing to the intellectual and philosophical well-being of mankind. Ron Paul is a classical liberal and his campaign is to educate everyone he can about liberty regardless of what country they live in.

I want to thank America for providing a world stage so that the principles of liberty can become known everywhere. The period of history that has been dominated by the ego-driven interventionists, causing unbelievable human and planetary suffering, is coming to an end.

Thank you Ron Paul for your patience!!!!!

‘We have our ways to . . .’ McCain and Woolsey! Red Flag!

Would Americans wake up if McCain announced that Vladimir Putin was going to be his campaign manager? I would hope so.

This is just as much a concern.

Is there any reason to wonder why the media seems to be under a regime of control?

There is a definite strategy to get one of the collaborative candidates to be President (puppet) in the same manner as is done in other parts of the world. The military industrial complex is making itself very apparent and is trying to send a strong message that they are in control.

If America is still the nation it was created to be it will exercise its love for liberty and tear down the regime of tyranny, starting with the candidate who collaborated with the enemy to save his neck (McCain), yet used his father’s influence to make himself seem like a prisoner-of-war hero.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Brave are Starting to Expose the Cowards. Stop the Wars.

Hypocrisy is the platform that the politicians parade around on. They talk about the brave young men and women and then they send them into harm's way to fight the battles of the moneychangers who hide behind the curtains and who toss the politicians a bone every once in a while. As the analogy goes: the politicians are the dogs of the earth and forgive me for insulting the dogs.

The revolution will truly turn when the rest of the brave soldiers who know the idiocy of their assignment speak out. We need you, O brave patriots, to protect our nation from its enemies. The challenge is realizing that the enemies are domestic. But rest assured, these domestic enemies are cowards and they will run and hide and try to act innocent the instant you stand your ground.

Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate worthy to be the Commander in Chief. His patriotism and his service and his character are unmatched.

John McCain served but he was a prisoner of war and he is now a prisoner of the warmongers! He will send generation after generation of innocent soldiers to their death to justify his imprisonment.

But Ron Paul is not only the best one to address our foreign policy. He is almost infinitely more aware of all of the aspects of America than any of the other candidates. He is a statesman. They are all ego-driven politicians. He will restore the Constitution and they will destroy it. He is a classical liberal like Jefferson, they are socialists and fascists.

Come home alive and fulfil your oath to protect America.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Doctor Is In And He Has His Finger On The Pulse!

Ron Paul is a physician but he is also a scholar of the same classical liberalism that inspired the Founders of our nation. The Constitution is what we need for the health and well being of what we in America are made up of, that is, our constitution!

For the health of our nation find out what we need. Go to The Daily Dose: The Prescription for Success.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Classical Liberalism Even Springs Up From Pittsburgh Soil!

I am a classical liberal and so is the premier candidate for President - Ron Paul. Both of us were also born and raised in Pittsburgh.

Recently, Bill Steigerwald who is a columnist at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review interviewed Ron Paul and one segment of the interview went as follows:

Q: What would happen if you tried to run on the platform back here in Pittsburgh, where you grew up?

A: I am so confident and such a believer in the freedom philosophy, that I believe that I could win, whether it was a Republican district, a Democrat district or a borderline district. I just think that you have to present it in slightly different ways. I live in a Bible Belt and none of them started off agreeing with me on the War on Drugs. Yet I was able to convince them. Now they tell me all the time — “The war on drugs is stupid.” I had to explain that. I didn’t go out and campaign on that, deliberately. But if I were to run in San Francisco, I may be talking about the ridiculousness of the drug war. I think you just have to have confidence in the philosophy, that it applies to everybody - as individuals. Whether you’re a liberal or conservative or moderate or whatever, there’s something in there that’s very attractive.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How Numb and Dumb are Mainstream Media Addicts?

If I was to lay out a case study where a candidate for President was opposed by those in control of the media in a country where the media is in cohorts with the ruling class would you be suspicious of the steps in this sequence?

- Labeling the candidate as a kook.
- Limiting the number of questions directed to the candidate during any debates and then asking lame questions not related to the issues.
- Excluding the candidate from a major early debate just before the primary and then (by acts of collusion) the other networks not treating such an injustice as newsworthy.
- Unleash a barage of scandalous stories with the clear intention to discredit.

If you are not suspicious you are unjust by nature. If you are suspicious then I suggest that you investigate the truth independently, by exercising critical reasoning.

Such is the plight of an unparalleled statesman the like of which may have never been seen before in the history of our country. Ron Paul is the most honorable person to have ever graced the candidacy for the President of the United States and yet it is possible that mainstream media has numbed the investigative faculties of most of their addicts of propagandized news.

If you are numbed become sensitized!

If you cannot then you have been dumbed just like the interventionists wanted. You are well down the Road to Serfdom and can no longer be of much service to the cause of liberty. What a shame. Shame on you!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ron Paul's Battle Cry From Iowa !

"Give me liberty and give me life!"

I want to tell you about a statesman - Ron Paul. Ron Paul is running for President of the United States not because he wants to run the economy, or because he wants to run your lives, or because he wants to run the world. Ron Paul is running for President as an act of patriotism. Ron Paul is running for President because he is a scholar of classical liberalism.

Let me tell you about Ron Paul. He grew up on a dairy farm in western Pennsylvania. He always worked hard and he excelled in academics and civics in school. He was a State champion in track and he married his high school sweetheart.

He enlisted in the Air Force and served five years including the time he served in the Air National Guard. His wife helped him work his way through medical school. He then practiced medicine the old fashioned way by caring for those in need regardless of their ability to pay. Over his medical career he delivered over 4000 babies and it is true that he views the ethics and sanctity of life as inseparable from his belief in liberty.

Over thirty years ago Ron Paul began reading about classical liberalism, the same classical liberalism that inspired the founders of our great country. And when he decided to make a difference he chose to enter into the quagmire of politics and to teach and re-teach classical liberalism to the American people and to their representatives.

Ron Paul is the most principled elected representative in the history of our country. He is the only one who has never violated the oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Ron Paul will defend our country from enemies foreign and domestic. He will strengthen our national defense and protect our borders. Domestically he will restore private property rights and he will restore our currency to its Constitutional basis, freed from political corruption.

Ron Paul will change our foreign policy from empire building to peaceful self-determination. A Ron Paul Presidency will be humble and peaceful and will heal the economic blight caused by many years of harmful political manipulation. As it becomes healed America will return to unprecedented prosperity. This prosperity is America’s birthright and this is the shining light that will cause the rest of the nations of the world to adopt the philosophy of liberty and peace.

We stand here together at this moment in history, which is an unparalleled moment, and we here in Iowa are even closer to that monumental point in history. Ron Paul has the message of liberty which is like the message carried by Paul Revere and like the message of Patrick Henry “Give me liberty or give me death.” Except today the message is “Give me liberty and give me life.!”

Vote for the champion of the Constitution. Vote for Ron Paul.

P.S. I am wondering why none of the search engines are picking this up. Is protecting classical liberalism scary enough to cause some kind of censorship? How can that even happen on the internet? It is easy to see how it happens in mainstream media as evidenced by the sleazy attempt of Fox News to exclude Ron Paul from the New Hampshire forums. If there is a censor out there - keep your hands off my blog!