Monday, November 10, 2008

Economic Navigating Of The Fork In The Road.

Texas straight talk refers to the fork in the road and the overwhelming pressures to take the wrong direction.

The unConstitutional coup is powerful, the politicians are ambitious, the media is controlled, the education system is indoctrinating generation after generation, and the general population has been deprived of the knowledge of the existence of classical liberalism. The direction to go at the fork is therefore decided by those in charge of the unConstitutional coup.

There are a couple of glitches in the automatic veering at the fork down the Road To Serfdom!

Maybe an African American President will have the moral courage spoken about often by Martin Luther King, Jr., the moral courage to see through the smokescreen of the war machine to the death and destruction and injustices.

Maybe the unparalleled economic dissolution will cause people to reject the lies of the government statistics and the ego-driven interventionists.

Maybe enough people have found access to news sources on the internet that expose main stream media as a propaganda machine.

Maybe the emerging revolution spoken about by Ron Paul will have enough of an influence to expose the unConstitutional coup to a swelling number of patriots, including those serving directly under oath to uphold and defend the Constitution! And then they come to our aid by abiding by their oath.

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