Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Audit The Fed!" Is More Powerful Than The Overlords!

If the unConstitutional coup had overconfidently fallen asleep and did not think it was necessary to 'make themselves known' by direct pressure on each and every member of Congress nevertheless they schemed enough to make sure that the ones in the 'leadership' knew who their overlords were!

Will these corrupted ones ('leadership') find themselves torn between the voice of the people (and their own patriotic consciences) and the whisperings and hissing of the snakes intent on destroying our Constitutional Republic?

These are the ego-driven interventionists and the ego-driven interpreters who have - from the beginning of human civilization - tried to uproot the radical of classical liberalism philosophy because classical liberalism is the destroyer of the oppressive State (run by the ego-driven interventionists and the ego-driven interpreters).

Liberty and freedom will eventually behead that vile snake.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Secession Is Perfectly Logical And It Is Part Of A Just Society.

When the principles of classical liberalism are weakly known (or even unknown) the people can be considered ignorant. This is because classical liberalism is wholly compatible with human dignity and liberty and justice and prosperity.

Secession is perfectly logical and it is perfectly compatible with the principles of classical liberalism. It is an 'insurance policy' against the totalitarian tendency of any government that permits ego-driven interventionism.

Regardless, it is cowardly to be afraid to talk about issues that are important just because the ego-driven interventionists try to stifle the debate. Let me ask you a question. If the unConstitutional coup can continually violate the Constitution and also promulgate economic terrorism throughout the world why is it considered so 'dangerous' to simply discuss the principles of classical liberalism?

The answer is simple! It educates the ignorant. No longer ignorant, the people will no longer tolerate the abuses and injustices of the ego-driven interventionists!

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Parties Infiltrated By The Ego-Driven Interventionists!

It was very perceptive of Montel Williams to see the railroading of the Tea Party by the politicians, you know, the ego-driven interventionists.

Once politicians are identified as ego-driven interventionists it is easy to see what they are after. Each of them is a schemer with a rhetoric designed to channel wealth to themselves and their buddies.

In contrast there is Ron Paul who is truly a classical liberalism scholar. He is a Statesman, and an ethical and principled educator.

Don't think that the unConstitutional coup will not seduce and call upon the ego-driven interventionists of all sorts to cause confusion. It is an intentional free-for-all designed to divert attention away from the accurate and precise criticisms of those who are knowledgeable about the cause of liberty.

Regardless, things are stirring and the unConstitutional coup is in danger of losing its traitorous grip.

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Monday, April 6, 2009

What Is The 'Perfect' Business 'Organization?'

There are two steps towards resolving all of the problems with 'organizations.'

1. Define property rights: this is a lost art and science in these Dark Ages of economics.

2. Refine property rights: this is what will allow continual adjustment to meet the unforeseen circumstances of the future in what can be described as an ever-advancing civilization.

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Read About The Entrepreneur Andy Beal On!

The story is a very good example of entrepreneurship.

The lull periods in the life of an entrepreneur may sometimes be because there are no 'real' opportunities even though the entrepreneur is very actively alert or it may be because the entrepreneur is in a relatively latent state.

The story is also a very good example of the purpose and the potency of capital.

This story also serves as a testimony that what Ron Paul said is perfectly correct: if the bubble malinvestment is simply allowed to be liquidated as part of the market process the economy will recover quickly.

The reason this option (non-interventionism) is not permitted by the ego-driven interventionists is because then their intervention will be seen as not only totally unnecessary but as the cause of the malinvestment in the first place.

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