Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Patience of Job - Ron Paul!

There is a murmur among the mediocre among us that surfaces as a weak question, which goes, “When will Ron Paul end his campaign?’ At the same time there is a deafening groan on the part of the power elites and their hand-picked candidates to loudly inquire ‘When will Ron Paul end his campaign?’

Has everyone had the chance to hear what liberty sounds like or to feel the exhilaration of the hope for freedom? Has everyone had the opportunity to see how ridiculously corrupt and petty are the competitors for their overlord’s puppet chair they call ‘President?’

Has everyone felt the ‘empowerment’ that comes from freedom; no I am not talking about the fallacious ‘empowerment’ supposedly to be given to us when the 'stimulus' counterfeit money will show up in our mailboxes. Has everyone heard about the economics of Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian school of economic thought?

Has everyone in America found out yet that our government ignores the Constitution?

Be patient everyone, especially you weak-minded and politically partisan ones, there is much to be done yet.

Has everyone learned about the crimes of inflation perpetrated by the Federal Reserve Governors and their bedfellows, the ego-driven interventionists? How aware is everybody about the destruction of the monetary system and the use of the monetary system to start and perpetuate wars, ghastly wars?

Be patient lying media and power elite because someday you will be ostracized , at least, and rightfully penalized and prosecuted if justice prevails in this world. Otherwise you will have to wait patiently until your earthy life ends before you face your judgment!

When will Ron Paul end his campaign? What campaign are you referring to? Surely you do not think that Ron Paul is campaigning for the hollow seat of President of the United States. That pompous seat (unless Ron Paul is elected and he changes it to its Constitutional role) means nothing to the intellectual and philosophical well-being of mankind. Ron Paul is a classical liberal and his campaign is to educate everyone he can about liberty regardless of what country they live in.

I want to thank America for providing a world stage so that the principles of liberty can become known everywhere. The period of history that has been dominated by the ego-driven interventionists, causing unbelievable human and planetary suffering, is coming to an end.

Thank you Ron Paul for your patience!!!!!

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