Sunday, January 31, 2010

Washington, D.C. Is In A Fog Created By The Evaporation Of Our Dollar!

The fog is thick and periodically some figure emerges from the fog to announce that the corrupt things done, that are out of sight because of the fog, are not of concern! Instead we are asked to trust that the destroyers of the dollar - the ones causing it to evaporate - can see clearly despite the fact that the fog is just getting impenetrably thicker.

In contrast, another voice is heard by increasingly more and more. It is a clarion call and like a beacon streaming from a lighthouse it is sending out a message of liberty and self-reliance. Both of these qualities stem from and are fortified by the study of classical liberalism which is the root of our Constitutional Republic.

The contrast is between the statesmanship of Ron Paul and the economic terrorism of the unConstituional coup and its agents.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lord Acton's Axiom Is True If The Obsolete And Destructive State Exists.

We can assume that Lord Acton penned that axiom based on observation and based on his understanding of the subjective nature of human beings.

Well, observation is what it is. It can only be as good as the world around, that is, if that is the way the 'world' will be forever then that is an observation that will hold true. And the subjective nature of human beings is just that, it is subjective. If the ethics of the culture is different, then by definition, the subjective nature that is influenced by the ethics (ethics which form and transform as society transforms) takes on a different characteristic.

This same limitation applies to the study by Joris Lammers at Tilburg University, in the Netherlands, and Adam Galinsky at Northwestern University, in Illinois. I am not surprised by their findings. They do confirm the axiom of Lord Acton.

Consider the cultural condition of this period of study (including during the time of Lord Acton). Everyone consciously and unconsciously thinks that the State exists! That is the flaw that creates this deviant behavior stemming from pseudo-power. As long as the State exists Lord Acton's axiom will hold true!

But the fact of the matter is: the State is a fraudulent institution, totally unnecessary and therefore, if we operate under the assumption that human civilization will continually advance there will come a time when this fraudulent institution will be recognized as both obsolete and destructive. For that reason it will be discarded.

Of course it will not be discarded in favor of a vacuum. It will be discarded for a better system. The foundation of that system will rest upon the principles of classical liberalism.

Consultation by individuals will be one of the magnificent tools used then to solve problems. Individuals who exhibit the most noble virtues will be elected to be on principal consultative bodies to handle the more complex problems. As individuals they will have not authority, only the consultative bodies will have authority and they will be composed of individuals chosen annually by secret ballot with no electioneering. Desiring to be elected is enough of a negative quality to disqualify such an individual in the eyes of the voters.

Apart from this existence of an institution that facilitates consultative decision-making, the rest of human life will simply operate peacefully, prosperously, and with justice according to the principles of classical liberalism. The rich diversity of these classical liberalism societies will be part of the beauty and magnificence of the worldwide classical liberalism civilization on our blessed planet.

And so scientifically the axiom of Lord Acton is true as long as there is a State.

For more information go to my website.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ron Paul Is Slowly Educating Reporters, So - Look Out!

They don't quite understand. It takes more than cooperation to reduce the size of government, it takes an ideological shift. Without an ideological shift away from Keynesianism cooperation just leads to the rearranging of priorities.

Those who identify Ron Paul as a 'politician' are impeded by small minds. Ron Paul is an educator and if they would focus their attention on this and purify their motives they would find their minds greatly expanding. Then they may catch the spark of liberty.
That would put them, as main stream reporters, on a collision course with their overlord, the unConstitutional coup and its propaganda machine!

For more information go to my website.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Free Competition in Currency Act of 2009 For America's Financial Health.

Here's the difference between a statesman and a politician.

A statesman is well educated and well principled. A statesman can conduct a thorough and intelligent investigative conversation with others, either privately or in a public forum.

A politician has little depth in knowledge or character and cannot speak anything other than rhetoric and then only after listening to the pollsters about what is politically correct.

Is there any elected representative in the legislative or executive branch of government that can join Ron Paul in discussing the implications of H.R. 4248: Free Competition in Currency Act of 2009?

For more information go to my website.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Discover And Read The Works Of Murray Rothbard!

Murray Rothbard deserves every tribute. He was a rare individual and to not recognize his unique qualities (and how truly unique those qualities were) is one sure piece of evidence that independent investigation of truth is not fully operating. Those who have dug for the truth and turned over rocks in their search for truth will find his wisdom and will recognize it.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.