Monday, October 20, 2008

Why Is Austrian Economics Considered Obsolete?

First of all, by who? By the interventionists and all those indoctrinated by government financed education.

Austrian economics is considered obsolete because it does not allow the 'modern economic manipulations' of the progressives and the empiricists!

Somewhere lost, in the early days of frenzy (for example, during the time of promises of cushy jobs for economists who accommodated government manipulation of the economy) when the ego-driven interventionists strove to gain positions of power, is the question regarding methodology.

Actually it is the 'physics envy' of the empiricists that is obsolete since the appropriate methodology of the social sciences is subjectivism. Subjectivism is beautiful and dynamic and in harmony with the human reality which to the empiricist and the progressive is incomprehensible.

To conclude, in all truthfulness, the propaganda and indoctrination of the empiricists and progressives (who did gain power and institutionalized it during their heyday frenzy) should state that Austrian economics is incomprehensible (since it is to them) rather than obsolete (like their physics envy).

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