Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sinclair Lewis's Book About Fascism With A Cross.

After hearing from Ron Paul about the characterization in "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis I decided to find a way to connect bibliophiles with this book. Here is the free eBook version:

Not only is the mix of politics and religion sleazy but it is potentially dangerous.

It is the ego-driven interventionists who are the political and economic tyrants and and it is the ego-driven interpreters who are the religious tyrants. Combine these two ego-driven ambitions and it is easy to see how what follows is the emergence of fascism.

Ron Paul was correct to bring this dangerous attitude to the forefront.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Free Market Will Undo The Media Silence!

The equilibrium power inherent in the economy is infinitely greater than the petty strongholds of the media moguls. Ultimately they depend on an audience!

For the same reason that cartels are unstable and collapse in a free market, so too the media gag order not to cover Ron Paul will fail. One of these days one of the major media outlets will recognize that their audience will quadruple if they give fair coverage to Ron Paul. They will break from the others (the more entrenched and stagnant ones) and they will be rewarded with high ratings. The others will then see where the money is and change their tune. All of a sudden Ron Paul will be covered fairly by the media!

Just like Ron Paul says, the free market works!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Why Ron Paul? - In Three Words!

There may be only brief encounters with people when you are out showing your support for Ron Paul. Words convey deep meaning and so use words to reach out and to teach. Consider these words as the ringing of the liberty bell or the cry of Paul Revere:
  • Peace not war!
  • Freedom not socialism!
  • Prosperity not inflation!
  • Liberty not intervention!
  • Protect private property!
  • Constitution not politics!