Monday, December 27, 2010

The Cry Of "Justice" By The Ego-Driven Is A Farce!

Finite minds, how can you comprehend the infinite bits and pieces of information that are part of the economy? Sure a finite mind can try to reduce it to a type of product (blueberries) but what about all of the effects and the relative prices that create sponaneity throughout?

One individual makes the claim: "We must!" Does that change the condition of a finite mind? Deluded, that individual speaks as an ego-driven interpreter and if given any 'authority' that individual acts like an ego-driven interventionist.

Finite minds cannot ever exercise moral authority so their claim to be concerned about justice is a farce.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Quickest Way To Prosperity For Any One Of Today’s European Nations.

The quickest way is to decree that gold and silver are the money and that all banks are required by law to practice a system of 100% reserves.

No leader has the power sufficient to make this decree because the political systems are riddled with corruption and subject to the whims of the elite who are vested with special interest in the injustices inherent in these already existing systems.

The size of the nation doesn’t matter and so no matter what the nation’s size the economic, ethical, and justice implications would reverberate all around the world. As a consequence it is not exactly true that a nation’s size does not matter because if the nation is not large enough to defend itself against the wrath of the economic terrorists benefitting from the worldwide monetary hegemony (including those trying to prop up the Euro) then the brave and economically-educated leader (and nation) would be ousted by the same type of coup that is in charge of the affairs of most of the nations in the world.

So the quickest way to prosperity for a small nation is to follow a meritorious decision of a larger nation to go to the gold and silver commodity standard and 100% bank reserves upheld by the legal system of that nation. How truly difficult that appears to be since all of these legal systems appear to be full of economically-ignorant or politically corrupt lawyers and judges.

And so it appears, after further consideration, that the quickest way to prosperity is for the irresistible economic equilibrium to swing back like a pendulum from its distorted position and wipe out the entire fraudulent system that is being feasted upon by the parasitic ego-driven interventionists. Then, hopefully, those who are educated in the principles of classical liberalism will be able to influence the re-construction of a contractually-based society.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Quickest Way To Prosperity For Any One Of Today's Nations.

The quickest way is to decree that gold and silver are the money and that all banks are required by law to practice a system of 100% reserves.

No leader has the power sufficient to make this decree because the political systems are riddled with corruption and subject to the whims of the elite who are vested with special interest in the injustices inherent in these already existing systems.

The size of the nation doesn't matter and so no matter what the nation's size the economic, ethical, and justice implications would reverberate all around the world. As a consequence it is not exactly true that a nation's size does not matter because if the nation is not large enough to defend itself against the wrath of the economic terrorists benefitting from the worldwide monetary hegemony then the brave and economically-educated leader (and nation) would be ousted by the same type of coup that is in charge of the affairs of most of the nations in the world.

So the quickest way to prosperity for a small nation is to follow a meritorious decision of a large nation to go to the gold and silver commodity standard and 100% bank reserves upheld by the legal system of that nation. How truly difficult that appears to be since all of these legal systems appear to be full of economically-ignorant or politically corrupt lawyers and judges.

It appears, after further consideration, that the quickest way to prosperity is for the irresistible economic equilibrium to swing back like a pendulum from its distorted position and wipe out the entire fraudulent system that is being feasted upon by the parasitic ego-driven interventionists. Then, hopefully, those who are educated in the principles of classical liberalism will be able to influence the re-construction of a contractually-based society.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Friday, December 10, 2010

Nine Questions Americans Need To Be Asking, According To Ron Paul.

Congressman Ron Paul heroically goes before the Congress time and time again. This time, on 9 December 2010, he methodically exposed the falsity of all of the commotion about WikiLeaks and about the calls for the assassination of its founder.

The word treason is being floated around, but when Congress and the President ignore the Constitution this concern about treason is nothing but sheer hypocrisy. Stop the lying and killing and stealing and the trampling on the rights granted in the Constitution and then maybe there could be an honest discussion about treason.

Until then exposing the evil deeds and the evil-doers is a good thing, not a bad thing.

Here are the nine questions to consider:

1. Do the American people deserve to know the truth regarding the ongoing war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen?

2. Could a larger question be: how can an Army Private gain access to so much secret material?

3. Why is the hostility mostly directed at Assange, the publisher, and not our government’s failure to protect classified information?

4. Are we getting our money’s worth from the $80 billion per year we spend on our intelligence agencies?

5. Which has resulted in the greatest number of deaths; lying us into war, or WikiLeaks’ revelations or the release of the Pentagon Papers?

6. If Assange can be convicted of a crime for publishing information, that he did not steal, what does this say about the future of the First Amendment and the independence of the internet?

7. Could it be that the real reason for the near universal attacks on WikiLeaks is more about secretly maintaining a seriously flawed foreign policy of empire than it is about national security?

8. Is there not a huge difference between releasing secret information to help the enemy in the time of a declared war – which is treason – and the releasing of information to expose our government lies that promote secret wars, death, and corruption?

9. Was it not once considered patriotic to stand up to our government when it’s wrong?

Thomas Jefferson had it right when he advised: “Let the eyes of vigilance never be closed.”

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Two Stooges Without Any Intellectual Grounds Try Slander.

It is quite obvious that the unConstitutional coup has its grip around the throat of the media since stooges are run out solely to do their bidding. Of course the stooges cannot intellectually address the issue.

Ron Paul is quoted as saying: "In a society where truth becomes treason, we are in big trouble." And then to address this the CNN stooges respond by name-calling, inserting their own silly fantasies of comic strip humor, and even by trying to arouse pseudo-patriotism for Texas!

To these 'bimbos' and to their overlords I suggest that they take the next step and hear what Congressman Ron Paul says about the Federal Reserve. He says that if only we had WikiLeaks about all of the lies and schemes of the Federal Reserve it would even dwarf the lies and schemes revealed by the latest WikiLeak!

Truth is not treason. Treason is the usurpation of our Constitutional Republic by the unConstitutional coup.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ron Paul Spearheads Ideological Change In Iowa.

Austrian economics and classical liberalism education is reaching more and more people and places. Iowa needs it just as much as other places and we are grateful to Ron Paul for all of his efforts to spearhead the revolution of ideological change.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Which Filmmaker Will Tell The Story Of Ludwig Von Mises?

The fact that all these places are readily identifiable seems to be an opportunity just waiting for some entrepreneurial filmmaker to take advantage of. The story of the life of Mises will charm viewers like "The Sound of Music" and will be a significant contributor to the ideological change paralleling the cultural change resulting from true education.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Literature And The Economics Of Liberty"

The point of ignition of the spark of understanding that jumped out at me when I read this excerpt from the review was the identification of the cause of the atrophying of the arts! It is because the spokespersons for the arts are generally miseducated and try to build something on the rotting foundation of Marxist ‘ideals.’

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Philosophical Stance Underlying Ideological Change.

The philosophical stance that supports and promulgates laissez-faire requires proving, without a shadow of a doubt, that there is no moral authority for any economic intervention. This is the philosophical stance that underlies the much anticipated and much needed ideological change.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What Is The True Meaning Of Anarchism?

For most people anarchism is perceived as a negative. In that regard it has the same baggage as 'capitalism.' However, in practice they are the same thing, that is, an unhampered free market system with no economic role for government.

What is the role of government then? That depends on how each society decides to protect itself against fraud and violence. There are numerous means to achieve this ends but it is doubtful that any society would choose complete anarchy! That is like saying that human minds would choose chaos instead of order. A deranged individual might but at the societal level moderation would prevail.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Forced Development Is A Curable Disease.

Forced development is this mirage followed by the ego-driven who think that they know what is the best direction for a community or a society to go. It is a phenomenon that can only exist in an ideological environment of interventionism. In an unhampered free market there is no imposition of the will of the ego-driven interventionists because they are recognized as frauds and corrupters.

Within the hampered economy forced development distorts economic signals and corrupts human behavior.

When humanity learns that there is absolutely no moral authority for any intervention into the economy the disease of forced development will be eradicated.
For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What Is Classical Liberalism?

Classical liberalism is the discipline with ancient roots that recognizes the uniqueness of the human spirit and that promotes and protects the culture of liberty and justice by educating humans about their true nature and their nobility and their great destiny.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Why Are Conservatives Ignorant About The True Meaning Of Liberalism?

"conservative claims that the liberal tradition is essentially amoral" is a stain on the intellectual status of those conservatives who hold that belief. It was not through searching for the true meaning of liberalism that lead them to that conclusion. It came about from a lack of searching and ignorant acceptance of: sometimes deliberate propaganda, and sometimes the ignorance of others (a tradition of ignorance).

Classical liberalism is the true root and nature of liberalism and it is a tremendous bounty to have this new book available to readers. Now it is the responsibility of people to search for truth and to question blind faith.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Desperate Progaganda By The UnConstitutional Coup.

Using its channels, which are multiple since the main stream media is under its control, the unConstitutional coup will stop at nothing to try to tarnish the intent and the character of the Constitution. It cannot tolerate a resurgence of interest in the system of the rule of law laid out by the Founders because it will then be as obvious as the Sun at mid-day that the Constitution has been usurped by the political class and is being used by the unConstitutional coup for its economic terrorism.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Great Interview Of Andrew Napolitano By Ralph Nader.

Sit down for one hour and hear this fascinating interview of Judge Andrew Napolitano conducted by Ralph Nader.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Classical Liberalism Is The "Salt Of The Earth!"

Salt was once a very widely used medium of exchange. Could it be that the counterfeiters are afraid that people may again choose it instead of the worthless pieces of paper backed by nothing but lies from Bernanke and his overlord, the unConstitutional coup?

In other words, it could be said that classicall liberalism is the "salt of the earth!"

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Is Too Much Salt Harmful Enough To Cause Alarm?

Lying, stealing, counterfeiting, imprisoning, and killing are all far worse than too much salt in our diet.

First let us get rid of the true blight on humanity - the ego-driven interventionists who use the State to oppress.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Austrian Economics Links In The Media Appear Despite The Oppressive State.

If journalism was alive and well and if the press (the media in general) was not under the heinous influence of the unConstitutional coup there would be a flood of links to Austrian economics. When it does bubble to the surface during these Dark Ages of economics it is a well appreciated victory for truth and justice.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Gold Cannot Be Hidden, Market Forces Will Prevail.

Simple truths are the best, the most profound, and the easiest to understand. The great classical liberalism scholar, Ron Paul, states that gold has been money for 6000 years and it is proving itself once again in the market despite the ego-driven interventionists most frantic attempts to hide the market and to hide gold.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First Greece, Then Here, There, And Everywhere!

The world's equilibrium has been upset! Expect dizziness everywhere.

There will be some who will be able to walk and run and function normally while everyone else, all around, will be dizzy. The dizzy ones will mostly come to recognize that the ego-driven interventionists' heads are spinning all the while they continue spinning their tall tales. As a consequence, emergence of the peaceful stability of classical liberalism will draw the attention of those who can sever themselves from the designs of the ego-driven.

These are the signs of the emergence from the Dark Ages of economics!

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Regression Theorem Of Intervention Is Just And Even Satisfies The Empiricists!

In Economics in One Lesson Henry Hazlitt summarizes what is good economics and what is bad economics. Good economics looks at the economic consequences over the long run and how everyone is affected. Bad economics is looking at how only some people are affected and for a limited amount of time.

Implied in this summary is the ability to determine the effects caused by economic actions or policies. In other words, it is possible to identify all of the consequences.

This theoretical basis satisfies those who analyze economics using the subjectivist methodology. And because the effects or consequences are empirical, and real in that sense, those who analyze economics using empirical methods will also be satisfied.

Now, according to the regression theorem of intervention all of the effects of intervention and over the entire time horizon are theoretically traceable back to the original act of intervention. Each act of intervention is attributable to the specific interventionists.

Justice can be pursued and achieved by holding the interventionists accountable for their deeds, or more appropriately, their misdeeds. Investigations along these lines will uncover layer after layer of corruption.

It is no wonder why I refer to the most influential interventionists as economic terrorists. They are destroying all that is good about civilization by their ego-driven intervention. They steal and lie and cause wars which means that lives are lost and ruined because of their ignorance and malevolence.

Justice in this day requires protection of property rights and its corollary: accountability for any and all intervention into the economy.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stopping The Crimes Of Economic Interventionism.

One of the things that I love about the regression theorem of intervention is that it has the potential to bring the economic terrorists to justice. Each act of interventionism disrupts and corrupts the economy and each act of interventionism can ultimately be attributed to the individual or group of individuals who took the intervention.

Of course it will take investigative work but that is what is required for all crimes.

Once the interventionists realize that they will be held accountable for all of the resulting damages this criminal activity will mostly disappear.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Balancing Human Rights And Property Taxes.

When property rights are seen as a human right the whole idea of the taxation of property changes. What is tolerable? What is ethical? What is just? (with regards human rights)

The idea of restricting human rights by the means of taxation is unpalatable to most. If nothing else this economic identity (property rights are human rights and human rights are property rights) will redefine what is considered moderate. Liberty does have limits, as implied in property rights and human rights, and what society defines and redefines as moderate will be a reflection of those limits.

Taxation (and specifically property taxes) is a direct attack. It only exists to sustain the State. In a classical liberalism society there will not be a coercive State and so what does exist will be supported voluntarily. It may have some degree of an agreed upon 'tax on human rights' but as such it will be carefully watched and guarded - against excesses.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Austrian Economics Is The Pedigree Of Ron Paul.

The great statesman of our time could easily be distracted, as hoped for by the unConstitutional coup, away from the crimes of the Federal Reserve. I am sure that is one of the reasons there is the health care issue and the ID cards issue and the swine flu issue and the underpants bomber issue and on and on. The unConstitutional coup will crumble and fall as soon as the Federal Reserve's secret crimes see the light of day.

The great statesman of our time gives some principled and moderate attention to these secondary issues but unwaveringly he peels away one by one the layers of false trust that have been indoctrinated into an unsuspecting citizenry. For generations the schemers who have stolen the wealth of productive citizens have used the education system and the media as propaganda tools and so it is not easy or immediate to open people's eyes.

The great statesman is also a patient, wise and persistent educator. He is a classical liberalism scholar and he is an Austrian economist sprung from the root of Ludwig von Mises.

Ron Paul makes it clear to the unConstitutional coup that either this generation or the next will exterminate its vile counterfeiter, the Federal Reserve.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Defining and Refining "Capitalism."

Just like the most important solution to the economic problems associated with the economic ignorance of these Dark Ages of economics is to define and refine property rights so too that is what is needed with regards the term 'capitalism.'

Empirical capitalism is a more precise term since it reveals the methodology that underlies the errors and corruptions that follow.

Subjective capitalism is a more precise term and it almost instantly erases all association with the misuses and misunderstandings tied to the word 'capitalism.' And since it does a good job of erasing association with the blunders of empirical capitalism it provides a clean slate which then provides a great blackboard to use to educate people and to help them to leave behind the imbecilic and ego-driven 'economics' of the Dark Ages of economics.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life And Death Are Part Of The Predatory State.

We are moving from the parasitic State to the predatory State. That is what happens when the parasites approach the 'carrying capacity' of the populace. Parasitism can no longer sustain the relatively large number of parasites nor can the relatively small number of hosts find adequate sustenance. It becomes a matter of preservation.

The State has reached the degree of fascism and socialism that it must turn to totalitarianism to be able to extract enough resources from the hosts to be able to stay alive. This is even more the case now because people have been educated about the counterfeiting operation of the Federal Reserve and are revolting against it. Without unabated counterfeiting the hunger pangs are showing up throughout the realm of the unConstitutional coup - from the armpit of California even to the distant in-grown toenail of Greece.

As totalitarianism sets in the dictates of the unConstitutional coup will become blatantly immoral. Assassination is merely a means to an ends as far as the ego-driven economic terrorists are concerned.

Like all parasites and predators the unConstitutional coup must be stopped or it will kill the host. With no host even the vile members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup will die. For our sake and even for their sake the predatory and parasitic State must be given a healthy dose of the curative medicine - a classical liberalism revolution by the hosts.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Will America Still Exist To Even Need A President in 2012?

Ron Paul is wise enough to realize that talking about running for President in 2012 is ridiculous. If the forces of economic equilibrium are unleashed at the full magnitude of the current disequilibrium caused by the ego-driven interventionists there may not even exist a Constitutional Republic in 2012, which may mean that America no longer exists!!!

That is how seriously severe is the situation. The economic terrorists behind the unConstitutional coup are running our nation into the ground and may cause it to be completely buried.

What will the name be afterwards? Well it may be that there will be a whole host of smaller classical liberalism societies with various distinctions. It is probably a good thing, anyway, to get rid of supposedly 'too big to fail' imperialist 'superpowers' as part of the process of ridding mankind of the ego-driven interventionists.

If America is still around in 2012 Ron Paul will be able to save the American nation by re-establishing it as a Constitutional Republic with greatly limited government.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Washington, D.C. Is In A Fog Created By The Evaporation Of Our Dollar!

The fog is thick and periodically some figure emerges from the fog to announce that the corrupt things done, that are out of sight because of the fog, are not of concern! Instead we are asked to trust that the destroyers of the dollar - the ones causing it to evaporate - can see clearly despite the fact that the fog is just getting impenetrably thicker.

In contrast, another voice is heard by increasingly more and more. It is a clarion call and like a beacon streaming from a lighthouse it is sending out a message of liberty and self-reliance. Both of these qualities stem from and are fortified by the study of classical liberalism which is the root of our Constitutional Republic.

The contrast is between the statesmanship of Ron Paul and the economic terrorism of the unConstituional coup and its agents.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lord Acton's Axiom Is True If The Obsolete And Destructive State Exists.

We can assume that Lord Acton penned that axiom based on observation and based on his understanding of the subjective nature of human beings.

Well, observation is what it is. It can only be as good as the world around, that is, if that is the way the 'world' will be forever then that is an observation that will hold true. And the subjective nature of human beings is just that, it is subjective. If the ethics of the culture is different, then by definition, the subjective nature that is influenced by the ethics (ethics which form and transform as society transforms) takes on a different characteristic.

This same limitation applies to the study by Joris Lammers at Tilburg University, in the Netherlands, and Adam Galinsky at Northwestern University, in Illinois. I am not surprised by their findings. They do confirm the axiom of Lord Acton.

Consider the cultural condition of this period of study (including during the time of Lord Acton). Everyone consciously and unconsciously thinks that the State exists! That is the flaw that creates this deviant behavior stemming from pseudo-power. As long as the State exists Lord Acton's axiom will hold true!

But the fact of the matter is: the State is a fraudulent institution, totally unnecessary and therefore, if we operate under the assumption that human civilization will continually advance there will come a time when this fraudulent institution will be recognized as both obsolete and destructive. For that reason it will be discarded.

Of course it will not be discarded in favor of a vacuum. It will be discarded for a better system. The foundation of that system will rest upon the principles of classical liberalism.

Consultation by individuals will be one of the magnificent tools used then to solve problems. Individuals who exhibit the most noble virtues will be elected to be on principal consultative bodies to handle the more complex problems. As individuals they will have not authority, only the consultative bodies will have authority and they will be composed of individuals chosen annually by secret ballot with no electioneering. Desiring to be elected is enough of a negative quality to disqualify such an individual in the eyes of the voters.

Apart from this existence of an institution that facilitates consultative decision-making, the rest of human life will simply operate peacefully, prosperously, and with justice according to the principles of classical liberalism. The rich diversity of these classical liberalism societies will be part of the beauty and magnificence of the worldwide classical liberalism civilization on our blessed planet.

And so scientifically the axiom of Lord Acton is true as long as there is a State.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ron Paul Is Slowly Educating Reporters, So - Look Out!

They don't quite understand. It takes more than cooperation to reduce the size of government, it takes an ideological shift. Without an ideological shift away from Keynesianism cooperation just leads to the rearranging of priorities.

Those who identify Ron Paul as a 'politician' are impeded by small minds. Ron Paul is an educator and if they would focus their attention on this and purify their motives they would find their minds greatly expanding. Then they may catch the spark of liberty.
That would put them, as main stream reporters, on a collision course with their overlord, the unConstitutional coup and its propaganda machine!

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Free Competition in Currency Act of 2009 For America's Financial Health.

Here's the difference between a statesman and a politician.

A statesman is well educated and well principled. A statesman can conduct a thorough and intelligent investigative conversation with others, either privately or in a public forum.

A politician has little depth in knowledge or character and cannot speak anything other than rhetoric and then only after listening to the pollsters about what is politically correct.

Is there any elected representative in the legislative or executive branch of government that can join Ron Paul in discussing the implications of H.R. 4248: Free Competition in Currency Act of 2009?

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Discover And Read The Works Of Murray Rothbard!

Murray Rothbard deserves every tribute. He was a rare individual and to not recognize his unique qualities (and how truly unique those qualities were) is one sure piece of evidence that independent investigation of truth is not fully operating. Those who have dug for the truth and turned over rocks in their search for truth will find his wisdom and will recognize it.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.