Monday, February 23, 2009

Congress Faces Off With The Federal Reserve, #1.

What we have here is the courage of a true Statesman and the power of liberty. Before the scrutiny of trustworthiness the corrupt wilt! Before the demand for truthful honor the deceitful cower!

The only recourse for the tyrannical ego-driven interventionists is to resort to half-truths, the age-old propaganda weapon of the unethical. To offer to remove one layer of the veils is an insult. Who is foolish enough to think that such a token has any real meaning? Does the unConstitutional coup still have its choke hold on Congress, enough to make Congress declare that this token is sufficient?

Faced with the choice of blatant socialism versus a return to the constitutional responsibilities granted in the Constitution what will the politicians choose? Are there patriots in Congress? Is courage rising? Has the tide turned?

Now I know one of the reasons why the unConstitutional coup has pressured its Presidential puppets to scatter troops all around the world. At home they will be put in a situation where there is a clear choice between killing liberty loving citizens or putting an end to the unConstitutional coup!

The equilibrium forces of the economy will destroy these usurpers of the Constitutional Republic if only Congress will put a clamp on the ego-driven interventionists in their midst. The revolution can be wholly peaceful.

Let's hope that part of the destiny of America is the peaceful return to a classical liberalism society. These are exciting times!

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