Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Patience of Job - Ron Paul!

There is a murmur among the mediocre among us that surfaces as a weak question, which goes, “When will Ron Paul end his campaign?’ At the same time there is a deafening groan on the part of the power elites and their hand-picked candidates to loudly inquire ‘When will Ron Paul end his campaign?’

Has everyone had the chance to hear what liberty sounds like or to feel the exhilaration of the hope for freedom? Has everyone had the opportunity to see how ridiculously corrupt and petty are the competitors for their overlord’s puppet chair they call ‘President?’

Has everyone felt the ‘empowerment’ that comes from freedom; no I am not talking about the fallacious ‘empowerment’ supposedly to be given to us when the 'stimulus' counterfeit money will show up in our mailboxes. Has everyone heard about the economics of Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian school of economic thought?

Has everyone in America found out yet that our government ignores the Constitution?

Be patient everyone, especially you weak-minded and politically partisan ones, there is much to be done yet.

Has everyone learned about the crimes of inflation perpetrated by the Federal Reserve Governors and their bedfellows, the ego-driven interventionists? How aware is everybody about the destruction of the monetary system and the use of the monetary system to start and perpetuate wars, ghastly wars?

Be patient lying media and power elite because someday you will be ostracized , at least, and rightfully penalized and prosecuted if justice prevails in this world. Otherwise you will have to wait patiently until your earthy life ends before you face your judgment!

When will Ron Paul end his campaign? What campaign are you referring to? Surely you do not think that Ron Paul is campaigning for the hollow seat of President of the United States. That pompous seat (unless Ron Paul is elected and he changes it to its Constitutional role) means nothing to the intellectual and philosophical well-being of mankind. Ron Paul is a classical liberal and his campaign is to educate everyone he can about liberty regardless of what country they live in.

I want to thank America for providing a world stage so that the principles of liberty can become known everywhere. The period of history that has been dominated by the ego-driven interventionists, causing unbelievable human and planetary suffering, is coming to an end.

Thank you Ron Paul for your patience!!!!!

‘We have our ways to . . .’ McCain and Woolsey! Red Flag!

Would Americans wake up if McCain announced that Vladimir Putin was going to be his campaign manager? I would hope so.

This is just as much a concern.

Is there any reason to wonder why the media seems to be under a regime of control?

There is a definite strategy to get one of the collaborative candidates to be President (puppet) in the same manner as is done in other parts of the world. The military industrial complex is making itself very apparent and is trying to send a strong message that they are in control.

If America is still the nation it was created to be it will exercise its love for liberty and tear down the regime of tyranny, starting with the candidate who collaborated with the enemy to save his neck (McCain), yet used his father’s influence to make himself seem like a prisoner-of-war hero.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Brave are Starting to Expose the Cowards. Stop the Wars.

Hypocrisy is the platform that the politicians parade around on. They talk about the brave young men and women and then they send them into harm's way to fight the battles of the moneychangers who hide behind the curtains and who toss the politicians a bone every once in a while. As the analogy goes: the politicians are the dogs of the earth and forgive me for insulting the dogs.

The revolution will truly turn when the rest of the brave soldiers who know the idiocy of their assignment speak out. We need you, O brave patriots, to protect our nation from its enemies. The challenge is realizing that the enemies are domestic. But rest assured, these domestic enemies are cowards and they will run and hide and try to act innocent the instant you stand your ground.

Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate worthy to be the Commander in Chief. His patriotism and his service and his character are unmatched.

John McCain served but he was a prisoner of war and he is now a prisoner of the warmongers! He will send generation after generation of innocent soldiers to their death to justify his imprisonment.

But Ron Paul is not only the best one to address our foreign policy. He is almost infinitely more aware of all of the aspects of America than any of the other candidates. He is a statesman. They are all ego-driven politicians. He will restore the Constitution and they will destroy it. He is a classical liberal like Jefferson, they are socialists and fascists.

Come home alive and fulfil your oath to protect America.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Doctor Is In And He Has His Finger On The Pulse!

Ron Paul is a physician but he is also a scholar of the same classical liberalism that inspired the Founders of our nation. The Constitution is what we need for the health and well being of what we in America are made up of, that is, our constitution!

For the health of our nation find out what we need. Go to The Daily Dose: The Prescription for Success.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Classical Liberalism Even Springs Up From Pittsburgh Soil!

I am a classical liberal and so is the premier candidate for President - Ron Paul. Both of us were also born and raised in Pittsburgh.

Recently, Bill Steigerwald who is a columnist at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review interviewed Ron Paul and one segment of the interview went as follows:

Q: What would happen if you tried to run on the platform back here in Pittsburgh, where you grew up?

A: I am so confident and such a believer in the freedom philosophy, that I believe that I could win, whether it was a Republican district, a Democrat district or a borderline district. I just think that you have to present it in slightly different ways. I live in a Bible Belt and none of them started off agreeing with me on the War on Drugs. Yet I was able to convince them. Now they tell me all the time — “The war on drugs is stupid.” I had to explain that. I didn’t go out and campaign on that, deliberately. But if I were to run in San Francisco, I may be talking about the ridiculousness of the drug war. I think you just have to have confidence in the philosophy, that it applies to everybody - as individuals. Whether you’re a liberal or conservative or moderate or whatever, there’s something in there that’s very attractive.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How Numb and Dumb are Mainstream Media Addicts?

If I was to lay out a case study where a candidate for President was opposed by those in control of the media in a country where the media is in cohorts with the ruling class would you be suspicious of the steps in this sequence?

- Labeling the candidate as a kook.
- Limiting the number of questions directed to the candidate during any debates and then asking lame questions not related to the issues.
- Excluding the candidate from a major early debate just before the primary and then (by acts of collusion) the other networks not treating such an injustice as newsworthy.
- Unleash a barage of scandalous stories with the clear intention to discredit.

If you are not suspicious you are unjust by nature. If you are suspicious then I suggest that you investigate the truth independently, by exercising critical reasoning.

Such is the plight of an unparalleled statesman the like of which may have never been seen before in the history of our country. Ron Paul is the most honorable person to have ever graced the candidacy for the President of the United States and yet it is possible that mainstream media has numbed the investigative faculties of most of their addicts of propagandized news.

If you are numbed become sensitized!

If you cannot then you have been dumbed just like the interventionists wanted. You are well down the Road to Serfdom and can no longer be of much service to the cause of liberty. What a shame. Shame on you!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ron Paul's Battle Cry From Iowa !

"Give me liberty and give me life!"

I want to tell you about a statesman - Ron Paul. Ron Paul is running for President of the United States not because he wants to run the economy, or because he wants to run your lives, or because he wants to run the world. Ron Paul is running for President as an act of patriotism. Ron Paul is running for President because he is a scholar of classical liberalism.

Let me tell you about Ron Paul. He grew up on a dairy farm in western Pennsylvania. He always worked hard and he excelled in academics and civics in school. He was a State champion in track and he married his high school sweetheart.

He enlisted in the Air Force and served five years including the time he served in the Air National Guard. His wife helped him work his way through medical school. He then practiced medicine the old fashioned way by caring for those in need regardless of their ability to pay. Over his medical career he delivered over 4000 babies and it is true that he views the ethics and sanctity of life as inseparable from his belief in liberty.

Over thirty years ago Ron Paul began reading about classical liberalism, the same classical liberalism that inspired the founders of our great country. And when he decided to make a difference he chose to enter into the quagmire of politics and to teach and re-teach classical liberalism to the American people and to their representatives.

Ron Paul is the most principled elected representative in the history of our country. He is the only one who has never violated the oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Ron Paul will defend our country from enemies foreign and domestic. He will strengthen our national defense and protect our borders. Domestically he will restore private property rights and he will restore our currency to its Constitutional basis, freed from political corruption.

Ron Paul will change our foreign policy from empire building to peaceful self-determination. A Ron Paul Presidency will be humble and peaceful and will heal the economic blight caused by many years of harmful political manipulation. As it becomes healed America will return to unprecedented prosperity. This prosperity is America’s birthright and this is the shining light that will cause the rest of the nations of the world to adopt the philosophy of liberty and peace.

We stand here together at this moment in history, which is an unparalleled moment, and we here in Iowa are even closer to that monumental point in history. Ron Paul has the message of liberty which is like the message carried by Paul Revere and like the message of Patrick Henry “Give me liberty or give me death.” Except today the message is “Give me liberty and give me life.!”

Vote for the champion of the Constitution. Vote for Ron Paul.

P.S. I am wondering why none of the search engines are picking this up. Is protecting classical liberalism scary enough to cause some kind of censorship? How can that even happen on the internet? It is easy to see how it happens in mainstream media as evidenced by the sleazy attempt of Fox News to exclude Ron Paul from the New Hampshire forums. If there is a censor out there - keep your hands off my blog!