Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stopping The Crimes Of Economic Interventionism.

One of the things that I love about the regression theorem of intervention is that it has the potential to bring the economic terrorists to justice. Each act of interventionism disrupts and corrupts the economy and each act of interventionism can ultimately be attributed to the individual or group of individuals who took the intervention.

Of course it will take investigative work but that is what is required for all crimes.

Once the interventionists realize that they will be held accountable for all of the resulting damages this criminal activity will mostly disappear.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Balancing Human Rights And Property Taxes.

When property rights are seen as a human right the whole idea of the taxation of property changes. What is tolerable? What is ethical? What is just? (with regards human rights)

The idea of restricting human rights by the means of taxation is unpalatable to most. If nothing else this economic identity (property rights are human rights and human rights are property rights) will redefine what is considered moderate. Liberty does have limits, as implied in property rights and human rights, and what society defines and redefines as moderate will be a reflection of those limits.

Taxation (and specifically property taxes) is a direct attack. It only exists to sustain the State. In a classical liberalism society there will not be a coercive State and so what does exist will be supported voluntarily. It may have some degree of an agreed upon 'tax on human rights' but as such it will be carefully watched and guarded - against excesses.

For more information go to my website.

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Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Austrian Economics Is The Pedigree Of Ron Paul.

The great statesman of our time could easily be distracted, as hoped for by the unConstitutional coup, away from the crimes of the Federal Reserve. I am sure that is one of the reasons there is the health care issue and the ID cards issue and the swine flu issue and the underpants bomber issue and on and on. The unConstitutional coup will crumble and fall as soon as the Federal Reserve's secret crimes see the light of day.

The great statesman of our time gives some principled and moderate attention to these secondary issues but unwaveringly he peels away one by one the layers of false trust that have been indoctrinated into an unsuspecting citizenry. For generations the schemers who have stolen the wealth of productive citizens have used the education system and the media as propaganda tools and so it is not easy or immediate to open people's eyes.

The great statesman is also a patient, wise and persistent educator. He is a classical liberalism scholar and he is an Austrian economist sprung from the root of Ludwig von Mises.

Ron Paul makes it clear to the unConstitutional coup that either this generation or the next will exterminate its vile counterfeiter, the Federal Reserve.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Defining and Refining "Capitalism."

Just like the most important solution to the economic problems associated with the economic ignorance of these Dark Ages of economics is to define and refine property rights so too that is what is needed with regards the term 'capitalism.'

Empirical capitalism is a more precise term since it reveals the methodology that underlies the errors and corruptions that follow.

Subjective capitalism is a more precise term and it almost instantly erases all association with the misuses and misunderstandings tied to the word 'capitalism.' And since it does a good job of erasing association with the blunders of empirical capitalism it provides a clean slate which then provides a great blackboard to use to educate people and to help them to leave behind the imbecilic and ego-driven 'economics' of the Dark Ages of economics.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.