Sunday, December 15, 2013

Laissez-Faire Instead Of Ego-Driven Mixed Economies.

All versions of a 'mixed' economy are failures. Those who criticize capitalism are really criticizing cronyism and fascism (and these are unquestionably failures), not the free market.

Those who claim that the free market has been tried and cannot work 1). don't know theory and 2). have no empirical evidence and 3). ignore the fact that all of the alternatives and every type of interventionism have failed miserably.

The state-of-the art theory of laissez-faire is the divine economy theory. To everyone who doubts whether an unhampered free market can rescue humanity from oppression and injustice and bring about peace and prosperity it is incumbent upon them to do their homework and read about the divine economy theory.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Economic Intervention Morphs Government Into The State.

Governments voluntarily chosen, in diverse sizes of societies, are perfectly natural. What has been the source of the corruption of government is economic intervention by limited human minds upon an infinitely dynamic market process. The morphing of government into the State is certainly associated with economic intervention.

The tradition of classical liberalism, with the laissez-faire of the Continental economists and the unhampered market economy of the Austrian economists, provides an ample moral and scientific foundation for justifying the establishment of order without the corruption of societies that is associated with the State.

Obviously what stands in the way in these - the Dark Ages of economics - is the general nescience of true economic science and so the task ahead is to educate people as part of the process of advancing civilization. There is no better or more comprehensive tool to accomplish this than the promulgation of the divine economy theory. Consequently this is the generation that needs to acquaint themselves with the divine economy theory so that the ills associated with statism will be effaced sooner rather than later, and peacefully.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Voluntary Government Not The Coercive State.

We probably are all in agreement that if we put our faculties to use in searching for a way of governing that could be done on a purely voluntary basis, and that had none of the evils inherent in the State, and we were able to successfully find such a system then we would want to make others aware of it. Who among us is fully convinced that every rock has been overturned (that the search using our full faculties has been done already)?

We are living in a remarkable period of human history with new and exciting things being discovered all of the time. Imagine how your life is different from what it was 10 years ago because things that apparently existed all along were not yet discovered, or at least, were certainly not known by the masses. I am certain that voluntary government can and will exist; and that the coercive State will disappear from human civilization!

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hermeneutics Is An Attack On Subjectivism.

Empiricism is hermeneutics and hermeneutics is empiricism! I will explain.

The empiricist needs data in some form to serve as the basis for proof of the specific hypothesis. In the natural sciences the data collected paints a clear picture and if it is done properly it can be repeated over and over again. This provides both a proof of and a test for the hypothesis. In the human sciences this is not what happens. The datum collected is nothing more than a random historical event captured at a specific point in time. It may or may not ever be repeated again plus the circumstances can never again be the same. Humans are constantly changing!

Well then, what can an empiricist do with the data collected that was supposedly designed to capture information about a human? Since it cannot possibly represent the human reality - which is subjective - the only other option is to interpret! It is clear then that empiricism in the human sciences is hermeneutics.

Now for the other part of the statement "Empiricism is hermeneutics and hermeneutics is empiricism!" and the accompanying explanation. In the human sciences, such as praxeology and more specifically economics, the only truly scientific methodology is subjectivism. There is no middle ground. Someone cannot come along and say that subjectivism is the proper methodology without then fully recognizing that humans make subjective decisions using their reasoning powers. If someone claims that people are irrational (some humans do have mental illnesses which may cause irrationality at least for short periods of time) then this is an attack on subjectivism.

Subjectivism fully recognizes that natural law can be used to describe the characteristics that are unique to human beings, universally. There is a logical structure that all humans operate within. For example, humans are constrained by their limited knowledge of the future. Another example - one which is foundational - is that humans use reason. For someone to say that people make irrational decisions is a clear attack on subjectivism.

Why would someone want to undermine the methodology of subjectivism? It is obvious why an empiricist would have such a goal. Subjectivism exposes the fallacies of using empiricism in the human sciences (age-old institutions are then in jeopardy). But why would an individual want to undermine the methodology of subjectivism?

If someone claims that people make irrational decisions then it creates a niche for someone to fill as the ultimate judge of what is rational and what is not. Someone may be ego-driven enough to want that privilege but just imagine the horrors. This hermeneutist takes away the right of subjectiveness for anyone who does not please this judge! How ironic it would be if such a person would claim to be a friend of liberty and justice! Ultimately this hermeneutist will make the empirical decision: "Are you rational (+) or are you irrational (-)?" and it is this binary code that fits empiricism but in no way, shape or form does it fit subjectivism.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

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or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Can Economic Equilibrium Appear Either As Latent Or Active?

There are times when economic equilibrium is invisible. Those who do not know about economic equilibrium may therefore be oblivious of its existence. Those who know it exists probably are just rest assured that it is always there, always operating.

There are many reasons why economic equilibrium may appear latent but I think there are two main reasons. When the economy is not far from its balanced path the counterbalancing force of equilibrium is not very great and so the pressures exerted on the economy are minor. To those alive during that time the force of economic equilibrium may appear latent.

Another time when it may appear latent is when the State intervention is very great and its control over information (propaganda) paints a false picture. Those unaware of economic equilibrium are easily fooled and those aware of economic equilibrium may not realize how extremely far from the balanced path the economy is and so they may misjudge the consequences to come. Those who are aware of economic equilibrium have a duty to cut through the propaganda and educate others about the consequences of interventionism.

Another point of interest with regards economic equilibrium is the significance of the change of appearance of economic equilibrium from latent to active. As I mentioned, at times it appears latent because of a relatively balanced economy and that is when the concept of laissez-faire fits well as a descriptive term. But laissez-faire is not a strong enough term to override the State, either as an argument or as an opposition force. Consequently once we entered the era of nation-building the State was able to embark on potent measures that disrupted economic equilibrium. Of course the State then uses its propaganda to hide these disruptions.

Here is where the appearance of active economic equilibrium not only becomes crucial but its reality will make its presence known. Think of a pendulum. It can be pushed so far but at some point the forces are so great that it cannot be prevented from returning to its entropy point. The reason the economic equilibrium is active is because there is no moral authority for any of the economic interventionism and the power of human action, in response, purges the corruption.

Those who are aware of the appearance of active economic equilibrium forces have a duty to educate others about the inevitable consequences of interventionism and about the complete lack of moral authority for any economic intervention. This is what a true and powerful laissez-faire concept like the divine economy theory has to offer.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

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