Monday, April 28, 2008

Re: Is There Censorship About the Counterfeiting of Dollars?

On April 27th I wrote a blog entry and published it but it has yet to make it to the internet. Is my commentary too revealing? I issue this complaint as a call for the protection of classical liberalism.

On Sunday, April 27th I wrote this piece:

World Wakes Up to the Counterfeiting of Dollars!

Economic turmoil is all around and it is not going away anytime soon!

What is driving this frenetic behavior is the desperate search for value. What has been the reserve currency for the world since 1944 is now naked for all to see. It is not a pretty sight! The mirage is gone and what is left is a hollow shell described as an exoskeleton of corruption and militarism.

The dollar has no real asset backing, it is purely fiat. What supposedly props up its value is confidence in the United States as a viable sovereign State. Gone are the Constitutional restraints which were designed to keep the nation fiscally responsible. Gone are the Constitutional restraints which were designed to keep the nation principled. Nothing is left except the fear of the threat of economic or military warfare. That is what holds up the value of the dollar around the world despite massive counterfeiting.

But since these military exploits and flexing of war muscles are dependent on borrowing from other nations and from counterfeit printing of money out of thin air the desperate victims of U.S. monetary hegemony are now beginning to question whether the U.S. is really that strong. And as the confidence in the U.S. goes so goes its fiat currency!

There is a solution. The solution is to abide by the Constitution which was inspired by the philosophy of classical liberalism.

Which means that the solution is to get rid of all of the politicians who violate their oath of office every time they do anything that is not authorized in the Constitution. Violating their oath is sufficient grounds for their removal by impeachment, through elections, or by trials for treason if necessary.

For more information go to .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What To Do About High Gas and Food Prices!

First of all, complain!

Second, go to and order a copy of The Revolution: A Manifesto. Then when it comes sit down and read it. Be prepared to find yourself understanding economics far more than you ever imagined!
  • How is that possible? Apparently making it appear that economics was not for the ‘common man’ has been part of the government propaganda for several generations now.
And finally, with your new knowledge and understanding approach the media and your elected representatives and express your concern. Make it clear to them that you know what is going on and that you know how to solve the problems.

Erase the ignorance created by the power elite and those who are currently in charge of our government by un-Constitutional means. It is your voice and your determination and your perservence and your knowledge and understanding that will wipe clean the slate so that a renewed dictum can be written: Constitutional Republic.

For more information go to .

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Re: Is There Censorship About Economic Depression?

On April 8th I wrote a blog entry and published it but it has yet to make it to the internet. Is my commentary too revealing? I issue this complaint as a call for the protection of classical liberalism.

On Tuesday, April 8th I wrote this piece:
Is Examination of ‘Economic Depression’ Fruitful?

(It was linked to an economic analogy written on April 6th:)

I recently wrote a blog that described an economic depression as something similar to a whirlpool. After I finished the article I realized that I could apply a similar analogy to an economic recession. In contrast to a whirlpool, the economy during a recession could be seen as a ship experiencing rough seas. If the economy reaches the climax of a recession, known as stagflation, then the seas are very rough and the ship (the economy) is in danger of capsizing.

Here is what is significant about these analogies: If the economy does not capsize during the recession there is hope that eventually the rough sea will subside. If intervention continues it will cause another storm to form on the horizon. However if the economy is on the verge of a depression one false move will generate the whirlpool which will sink the economy into unknown depths with very little hope to resist.

If intervention continues once the whirlpool is activated the currents will just intensify. The only hope is for the intervention to stop.

What is the solution? The correct policy is non-intervention. Then the equilibrium forces that allow resources to become freed up will disrupt the vortex throughout its structure, dissipating the energy, lessening the swirl velocity, causing it to break into smaller eddies, and making the economy safe for entrepreneurs to re-enter, to diagnose, and to set their sails and forge a new direction.

What bit of economic wisdom have we gleaned?

A). Intervention causes the economic storms and it can also create a pernicious whirlpool. To avoid economic storms intervention should stop.
B). With regards an economic depression, the only way to stop its destructive forces is to stop intervention.
C. The political cesspool (politicians and their bootlicking economic advisors) has to be drained and rid of its stagnant and disease-infested economic fallacies.

For more information go to .